In my philosophy of education I explain that words used in a discourse about the educational process have the power to both imprison and empower learners. A term commonly used throughout the adult education literature, and a term we often use without thought, is a term that actively dis-empowers the adult learner. The term is pedagogy. The term ...
The Effects of Foreign Investment in the Arabic Local Investment Future - An Analytical Measurement Study for Some of the Arabic Gulf States for the Period from 1992-2010 A Thesis Submitted by Nooria Abd Mohammed to the St Clements University, as a requirement for obtaining the degree of the Ph.D in Operations Research Supervised by
Site officiel tunisien des services publics d’emploi en Tunisie à destination des demandeurs d’emploi, des futurs promoteurs et des entreprises pour les tenir informé sur les programmes,les incitations et les avantages en matière d'emploi salarié et de création d'entreprises,et les aider dans leur recherche de postes d'emploi et des ressources humaines disponibles à l'Agence ...
SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING COMMITMENTS SOURCE INCREASING RECYCLED GLASS CONTENT Currently more than a third of the glass in our bottles is from recycled sources and our aluminium cans contain 50% recycled metal. Glass is infinitely recyclable, and using recycled glass, known as ‘cullet’, reduces the environmental impact of our bottles by: