C'est en 1993, quand elle va s’établir au Liban, qu’elle présente son roman, Dhakirat el jassad (Mémoires de la chair), à l’éditeur de la maison Dar al adab.Ce roman connaît un succès dans tout le monde arabe. À travers une histoire d’amour entre un peintre devenu manchot pendant la guerre et la fille de son ancien commandant rencontrée 25 ans après à Paris, il évoque la ...
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Ghayath Almadhoun was born in Damascus, Syria. He now lives in Stockholm. Almadhoun has published four collections of poetry, the latest “Adrenaline” in Milano 2017. In Sweden, he has been translated and published in two collections: Asylansökan (Ersatz, 2010), which was awarded the Klas de Vylders stipendiefond for immigrant writers.
Morgan State University (MSU, Morgan State, or Morgan) is a public historically black (HBCU) research university in Baltimore, Maryland.It is the largest of Maryland's HBCUs. In 1867, the university, then known as the Centenary Biblical Institute, changed its name to Morgan College to honor Reverend Lyttleton Morgan, the first chairman of its board of trustees and a land donor to the college.