G1868. Surge Irrigation Management. C. Dean Yonts, Extension Irrigation Engineer . This NebGuide provides information on how surge irrigation can reduce infiltration and gross water applica-tion resulting in improved water management. Surge irrigation is the intermittent application of water in furrows. A butterfly valve with a computer ...
With the aid of an Engineering Workbench one should be able to find the best solution of a design to requirements. This can be done by integrated synthesis and multi-criterial analysis tools in the meaning of predictive engineering. [1,2]. Criteria in this field are tolerancing, calculation of stiffness and the optimisation.
G1870. Fundamentals of Surge Irrigation. C. Dean Yonts, Extension Irrigation Engineer Dean E. Eisenhauer, Professor, Biological Systems Engineering. This NebGuide provides the fundamental back ground for surge irrigation and how surge can improve water management. Furrow irrigation is used on approximately 2.0 million . acres in Nebraska.
Friday, Nov. 9 2018 Issue 628- Vol. 13. 72صفحه. تلفن دانشمند 604.770.3570. [email protected]