Excrete = تغوّط Excreted = متغوّط Excreter = ألفصل ثم الإزالة Excretes = يتغوّط Excreting = التغوّط Excretion = الطرح Excretions = الطرح Excretory = إبرازي Excruciate = عذّب Excruciated = معذّب Excruciates = يعذّب Excruciating = التعذيب Excruciatingly = بشكل لايطاق Excruciation = العذاب Exculpate ...
to acquire through courses and workshops that span only a few weeks. The Fundamentals of the Conservation of Photographs course was therefore designed to facilitate a cumulative building of knowledge and expertise, allowing subjects to be both explored in the classroom and applied in workplace settings over a three-year period.