Charikar is at the gateway to the Panjshir Valley, where the Shamali plains meet the foothills of the Hindu Kush. Charikar is known for its pottery and high-quality grapes. The city of Charikar has a total population of 96,039 (2015) and has 4 Police districts (Nahias) with 3,025 Hectare of total land area.
The Chora is the initial state in a child's life where, between zero and about six months, it is driven by a chaotic mix of perceptions, feelings, and needs. The self is not recognized as the child sense of being is blended into its world and mother in something close to a continuation of being in womb. There is no recognition of boundaries.
Getting a first job is an important rite of passage in many cultures.The youth may start by doing work, odd jobs, or working for a family business.In many countries, school children get summer jobs during the longer summer vacation.Students enrolled in higher education can apply for internships or coops to further enhance the probability of securing an entry level job upon graduation.