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الخدمة العالمية . استنادًا إلى استراتيجية "خدمة الترجمة" ، أنشأنا 22 مكتبًا خارجيًا.

Nov 11, 2011· two things come to mind after reading your article but first let me make a correction pakhtana as you have mentioned is the singular for pakhton is actually the other way around pakhtoon is …

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10/16/2019: C. Bigler et al., “ Holographic Waveguide HUD with in-line pupil expansion and 2D FOV expansion “, accepted for publication in Applied Optics, to appear in the Special issue on Digital Holography and 3-D Imaging, Vol.58, G326-G331 (2019). Link . In this publication, we present an head up display with expanded pupil using a waveguide and holograms. The geometry of the system is ...

Research interests. Professor Welland's research interest lie in nanoscience and nanotechnology in a broad range of both fundamental and applied problems.

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معدات طحن
تغذية ويوصل
الفحص والغسل
المحمولة والهواتف
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