Palabora vermiculite is a hydrated phlogopite mica which has the remarkable ability to expand to many times its original volume when heated, a property known as exfoliation. Being non-combustible and insoluble in water or organic solvents, vermiculite is safe and easy to handle, making it suitable for a wide range of different applications.
The Franklin-Sylva district is a northeast trending belt 14 miles wide and 45 miles long, in which hundreds of pegmatites have been mined or prospected for mica This district ranks second in total mica output among the mining areas of the Southern Appalachian region ; feldspar, kaolin, corundum, garnet, dunite, copper, and vermiculite have also ...
Industry - Global. MICA (modular integrated concept architecture) and PDA (process data analysis) , intervals Adaptive control techniques are also used to adjust the models used in the control calculations automatically so that they match the results of rolling, including the models of the rolling mill equipment and steel strip Intelligent Control System with High Added Value , From the left ...