Concrete @ your Fingertips Return New search Print e-mail a friend. Self-cleaning concrete Strong sunlight or ultraviolet light decomposes many organic materials in a slow natural process (observe how items left in a shop window fade and become brittle with time). Photocatalysts accelerate this process, and as a catalyst they stimulate the ...
TRA aims to have the right regulatory environment to enable the provision of world-class services to all, by 2018. We are the national authority to regulate the telecommunications and postal services sectors by translating government policies into regulations, rules and guidelines and ensuring their enforcement and compliance to enable competitive and sustainable supply of services in order to ...
PCBS State of Palestine Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. All individual information and data submitted to the Bureau for statistical purposes shall be treated as confidential and shall not be divulged, in whole or in part, to any individual or to public or private body, or used for any purpose other than for preparing statistical tables