Distance and blended learning courses. Courses which you can study at a distance or are ‘blended’ (where you can combine distance or e-learning with conventional face-to-face study) are offered by some of our Schools. To find out more please choose from one of the following; Bangor Business School- Chartered Banker MBA
Archi-new is an advanced professional platform to interact and excel with, offering a wide range of high quality autocad utility areas like architecture, interior and product designing, 3D drawing, building plan, blocks, electrical, furniture, landscaping, machinery, structural details, 3D images, symbols and urban designs.
Website of university Batna1 Hadj Lakhdar Algeria. - L'université de Batna 1 dispose de plusieurs Laboratoires de Recherche couvrant plusieurs domaines de recherche dans six facultés et deux instituts, allant des sciences humaines et sociales jusqu'au sciences fondamentales, économiques, véterinaires et Agronomiques.