Article 222 du code de la route :..., le recouvrement de l'amende transactionnelle et forfaitaire doit être effectué dans le cas prévu au précédent alinéa, dans les trente (30) jours francs, à compter du jour suivant celui de notification de l'avis de contravention conformément aux dispositions de l'article 200...
When the traffic law No. (17) of 1968 didn’t comprise whole parts of traffic requirements that convoy with the cultural awakening of that time, the traffic law No.(10) for the year 1979 and its implementing regulations were issued and later, the law No. (13) for the year 1998 was issued in order to match with the requirements of that time.
Services & Repair. PLESE CLICK TO WATCH OUR VIDEO VIDEO. Parts4Laser provides full service and repair for most cosmetic laser equipment according to manufacturer specifications. We rebuild the laser head, replace flash lamps, repair laser and IPL hand pieces, repair high voltage power supply, replace optic and laser windows, and perform laser ...