#DiputadosLXII #Monitoreo #Entrevista @Jorge_Sotomayor : Caso de la Línea 12 del @STCMetroCDMX Carlos González (CG), conductor: Le quiero agradecer esta mañana al diputado Jorge Sotomayor Chávez, secretario de la Comisión de Seguimiento al ejercicio de recursos federales que se destinaron o se hayan destinado a la Línea 12 del Metro de la Cámara de Diputados, allá en …
2007 ˛ The Role of the Jordan Television in Creating Awareness Among ... Election Campaigning Functions with a percentage of 21.3%, and was more frequent concerning the Election Campaigning with a percentage of 40.8% :the study revealed that the (JTV) role in creating awareness among the Jordanian Youths during the ...
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Article 3 GENERAL DEFINITIONS 1. For the purposes of this Convention, unless the context otherwise requires: a) the term “Algeria” means the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria and, used in a geographical s ense, it means the territory of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, in cluding the territorial sea and, beyond