Başkaları ne diyor? Practice writing and joining letters with some common nouns and illustrations to color : door, house, pen, star, book, moon, etc etcThere are 8 nouns on this sheet, The individual letters are provided, so it is a purely joining letters exercise with the added bonus of introducing commonly used nouns that will reoccur in future lessons.
ME Printer Issue 48 - [PDF Document] M E Pr in te r J ul y- A ug us t 2 00 8 4 22 24 28 Contents Editor's Note HP displays sophistication and variety of products Drupa Exceeds Heidelberg Middle East's Expectations Xerox's DocuColor 8000 proved to be a hot product at drupa KBA Bags Cool Deals at drupa 2008 Giffin Graphics Claims Successful drupa Dynagraph Surprised by …