28/11/2019 Deuxieme et derniere mise en demeure avant resiliation - vu le contrat n° 20/2019 du 15/09/2019 conclu entre le cnrc et l’ets hamdaoui ouahiba « nilper mobili ». Lire la suite ... 28/11/2019 Avis d’attribution provisoire En application des dispositions de l’article 65 du décret présidentiel n° 15-247 du 16 septembre 2015 portant réglementation des marchés publics et ...
Sep 04, 2016· The Oslo diplomatic process is the starkest strategic blunder in Israel’s history and one of the worst calamities ever to have afflicted Israelis and Palestinians. Twenty three years after its euphoric launch on the White House lawn, the Oslo ‘peace process’ has substantially worsened the position of both parties, and made the prospects for peace and reconciliation ever more remote.
Oct 07, 2019· The Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM), formerly US-VISIT, provides biometric identity services to DHS and its mission partners that advance informed decision making by producing accurate, timely, and high fidelity biometric identity information while protecting individuals’ privacy and civil liberties.